SSN/ITINs are not required but they can expedite the EIN process for your company, allowing us to obtain the EIN within 1 or 3 business days instead of the 20 to 30 business days.
In order for us to expedite your application, we need both your full SSN or ITIN and full legal name exactly as shown on your document. You need to submit this information during your application on the website or, afterward, through a secure link we can provide you with. If we have already started your company's application process, please let us know as soon as possible if you are an SSN holder.
I have an SSN, is there any possibility that you can NOT expedite my EIN?
Yes, sometimes this happens because the IRS needs to verify further information from your company. In these cases, we must start the EIN process by asking you to sign an SS4 form so we can send it to the IRS, which takes longer (20 to 30 business days).
Please note that it's vital for the process and tax purposes that we have the correct SSN!
If you forgot to provide your SSN and we've already faxed your SS4 form to the IRS, please be advised that we can still try to get the EIN online. However, it is not recommended as your company can end up having 2 EINs. If this happens, once you get your EIN letters, you will have to request the IRS to consolidate both numbers to avoid potential inconsistencies in your company's tax filing.
I have an ITIN, but I wasn't able to expedite my EIN. What happened?
The ITIN may expire before you file a tax return in 2021. All ITINs not used on a federal tax return at least once in the last three years will expire on December 31, 2020.
Additionally, all ITINs issued before 2013 with middle digits of 88 (Example: (9XX-88-XXXX) will expire at the end of 2020. Those with middle digits 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, or 99 assigned before 2013 and not renewed will also expire at the end of 2020.
If that's your case, we won't be able to apply for the EIN online,the SS4 form will be faxed to the IRS and the regular process will follow.
Be aware that when faxing the SS4 form, the IRS takes around 20 to 30 business days to review and assign the EIN for your company.
Thanks so much for your update. I don't have any EIN Before. Am only waiting for auction access to verify my document. I just called them and they said they finalize everything in two days time. I love firstbase and I will still register many companies with you. Thanks.
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