You must to report business name changes to the IRS if your company already has an EIN. This requirement also applies to company that have started the EIN application process.
In most cases, you will be able to apply your existing EIN to the new business name. You can learn more about EIN rules here: IRS Publication 1635.
Note: You will need to apply for a new EIN if you change your business from an LLC to C-Corp (or vice versa)
How do I notify the IRS?
The easiest way to notify the IRS of a business name change is to include the new name in your next tax filing.
Alternatively, you can contact the IRS directly right after making the name change. We recommend sending these documents via physical mail:
- Certificate of Formation/Incorporation
- EIN verification letter
- Cover letter explaining the name change
Here's the IRS mailing address:
IRS, Stop 6055, Kansas City, MO 64999.
Corporations must have the letter signed by a corporate officer, while LLCs must have the letter signed by a member.
Mailing the CP-575
The last option is to mail the IRS your CP-575. You will need to remove any unnecessary information, add the request, and mail it to the IRS.
This can be as simple as the example below:
"To whom it may concern,
I would like to inform you that my company's name was amended. For your reference, we are sending the original Certificate, the amendment document, and the EIN letter. The new name should be X instead of Y. Please update any relevant IRS records on my behalf”
Changing the Corporation ending
You don't need to notify the IRS for basic amendments — for example, changing the company suffix from "Corp." to "Inc."
These and other similar endings are seen as equivalents, so the IRS will automatically recognize the new company. Of course, it can't hurt to include a note with your annual tax filing for clarification.
What about my bank application?
Once you start receiving IRS documents with the new name, send them to your bank to ensure that your records are updated.
How can I change my business name when filing taxes?
Simply check the "name change" box on your annual tax forms to notify the IRS:
- Corporations – Form 1120, Page 1, Line E, Box 3;
- S-Corporation – Form the 1120S, Page, 1, Line H, Box 2;
- LLC (sole member) – cannot update name by filing return; must use Option 2.
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