While we do not provide DBA or Trademark services, we are here to provide you with important information as well as a variety of partners that can help you with both of them. That being said, please check below some helpful information for you:
- Allows you to conduct business in a name other than your own legal name.
- A person who files a DBA name usually does not have exclusive rights to the name registered.
- A DBA or trade name generally conveys very few legal rights. Registering the name doesn't protect it from future use by another individual or business.
- Easy to set up.
- Limited to a local market/area.
- Bears an incredibly affordable price.
- Identifies the goods or services you're selling and distinguishes them from the goods and services of others.
- Grants you or your business the exclusive right to use the mark, words, symbols, title -or a combination thereof- in commerce.
- Promotes the business that you are in and the products that you are selling through name and logo recognition.
- Allows you to legally force other entities -through lawsuits or other means- to stop using the mark or a similar mark that would confuse consumers. This prevents a competitor from infringing on a trademark by playing dumb and using the "I did not know” defense.
- Allows you to sue for damages.
- Trademark names can run into hundreds of dollars
Can I trademark my DBA?
- Yes, you can trademark your DBA and give it the same legal protections provided to trademarked companies and brands. In fact, having a trademark can be a major asset if you plan to expand your company by selling franchises. A successfully trademarked brand can also attract potential buyers and help increase selling value.
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